Who doesn't want Christmas presents?
Who thinks they can close their eyes Before the mystery of opening the box? Not Spiky, because he is a hedgehog Whose blood pressure normalizes When he gets the attention of Santa... That's why he was so pleased When Cornelius and Dietrich, Betsy and Victor Wrapped all the gifts for everybody. But then the idea struck That he should also wrap Wonderful Christmas presents. He thought long and hard What present would he Most love to give for the gang. For Pinky he wanted to give Extra pair of tires for her black Imprezza So that she could drive him safely to church. For Cornelius he wanted to give A pair of winter boots so that he Could walk to the store in the snow and get him worm chips. For Dietrich he wanted to give A bottle of non-alcohol wine made of baked apples In the hope of getting a glass for himself. For Betsy he wanted to give A rubber band gun So that he could borrow it from her and shoot some bears in the rear. For Victor he wanted to give A romance novel written in cursive So that he could borrow it from him and read it to Pinky. As he thought of wrapping the gifts, First he took the tires for Imprezza And put them in a box. Then he went to look for wrapping paper. He knew it must be some place in the attic Where Victor weaves all his cobwebs. In a dark corner there he saw A roll of yellow wrapping paper With some purple ribbon that needed curling. Spiky grabbed them both and went down To the room where his Christmas box was And started to curl the ribbon. He eagerly worked with his hands Through entire length of the ribbon Which began to curl and curl like some wild rattle-snake. Spiky didn't stop there and worked with his feet Through entire length of the ribbon Which now looked like a happy Chinese dragon. While trying to create order out of chaos Spiky huffed and puffed and sweated so much That his heart rate rose to the heights of running a race. He turned and turned and the ribbon Curled and curled until Spiky Couldn't move his feet nor his paws. Even though a little nervous was Spiky, He had an IQ of 120 and his advanced intellect Gave him idea and he told to himself: "Now that tire wrapping is out of the question I won't leave Pinky upset during Christmas. That's why I myself will be the present to her." This comic is available as a Rare Digital Art at my store on Makers Space: https://makersplace.com/store/vidaspinkevicius Let Me Draw Pinky And Spiky Comics For You Check out my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/pinkyandspiky